Some spots look awful - but with the right things they will look good again...
I found the Lederzentrum in the web. They are experts in taking care of any leather.
I send a sample of my leather - one, which is bleached in the sun - to them, so they are able to mix the perfect fitting color for my leather. I ordered a Leather Protector, a tube of liquid leather repair, a sander pad and a cup of leather grease.
The most worn spot was on the backrest of the drivers seat:
First task is to clean the leather and degrease it compleytly. Then I started with the sander pad to level the surface. The triangle ( nealy in the middle ) is a cut. It can be repaired with liquid leather. Apply it, smooth it and then dry it with the heat gun.
I didn´t know it now, but the heat gun will be my best friend for the next three hours...
After that apply the Leather Colorlock on a sponge and wipe it in circles on the worn spot.
That is what the instruction says...
Dry it with a heat gun an repeat it to intensify the color look... is the next sentence...
After 3 times you see a little bit of color on the worn spot.
And after about 20 times apply color and dry it with your heat gun it will look like this:
Wow - they deliver what they promise on their website. It looks fantastic. A minimal differences in color - but it depends to which part of the leather you compare it...
So I started to search for other smaller worn spots and after around 20 times apply in circles and dry it, the whole leather interior looks much better.
The 70€ were a good invest.
I let it dry over night before I use the Elefant Leather Grease on all the parts. It shall be the best to give back the leather all it needs to stay soft and robust.
Well, it is only two or three times to apply it - not 20 times per spot.
The parts are still so greasy that I will not place them in the car. I will wait some days until the grease is drawn-in.
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