Sunday, 10 April 2016

49. The gear stick

I still had some issues with changing the gears. The lever will not stay in the 3 / 4 gear channel. The springs do not work as they should. No way to adjust them.
With the pic search on Google I found some pictures of the LT77 which show how it shall look. The shortened gear lever is mostly a part from a Jaguar XJ6, a Sherpa lever or a TVR TR8 part.
They all look different to mine:

At my car they cut down the original one and welded it again - welding is hidden by that spring holder tube. The springs are press on the lever in a wrong angle so it can not work.

The German company Morganpark in Hamburg - I got the tip on Facebook - found a original spare spring from an old LT77 gearbox and sold it to me for a few Euros.

Thank you for your help Mr. Frank Schauer !

I figured a little bit around and was able to mount the spring nearly in the same position as it is original.
And the lever is perfectly positioned in 3 / 4 gear now. Every gear can be easy choosen.

But the reverse lights don´t work when the reverse gear is in. Unmount the switch and press it will light up the lights.
With a mirror I saw, that the lower part of the lever does not touch the switch.
Has it ever worked ?
I soldered a small copper plate on top of the switch so the lever can hit it - and it worked.

This sentence was written very fast, but it took me nearly 3 hours until that copper plate was mounted. Don´t ask, what I was trying before I had the idea to use the soldeing iron...

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