Monday, 1 June 2015

39. Bonnet release, bowden cables and fuel pipe

Now it is time to hide into the dashboard.
I want to have both bonnet release levers on one side of the dashboard. So I have to use on very long bowden cable. Got it in a bicycle shop. They sold me the "high performance cable".
The inner wire is much smoother than the old one and the outer cable has a Teflon (PTFE) liner. You will feel the lower friction of the "high performance cable" when pulling the lever.

The choke cable is the original one from Holley. Not high performance, but good old american style.

At the Holley carburator I had to create a bowden cable holder combined with a return spring for the throttle. It is made from stainless steel - I can not weld alu.

The fuel pipe had got a return line which is soldered with copper pipes. I did not find a T or Y piece with two parallel legs. OK, maybe after seraching in the web for some days will bring out the perfect solution, but in 2 hours it was made in copper.
The 45° leg - the one without the filter - has a 2mm hole at the soldered connection to have a reduction for the returning fuel. The pressure of the fuel is mostly at the carburator and only if there is enough volume delivered by the pump in the trunk it will return to the tank. This prevents the carb against steam bubbles in the fuel pipe if you are waiting with a hot engine bay at a traffic light -
or - much more worse:
You are waiting at the grid for the starting flag and... to hell with that saved retun fuel pipe.

You see, I have changed the installation of the fuel pipe completly. The first - and original - idea was to install the pipe at the inner side of the frame and feed the carburator from the front. But here I saw - after I bend and fixed the pipe, that it is impossible to check the spark plugs - too less space. The other bad thing was, that the pipes were installed directly over the exaust manifold. Even if it is wrapped with a heat shield it will heat up the fuel pipe more as in the now used layout.
The first idea...

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